Generally known as SANRAL, is an independent, statutory company registered in terms of the Companies Act. The South African government, represented by the Minister of Transport, is the sole shareholder and owner of SANRAL.
The South African National Roads Agency Limited, generally known as SANRAL, is an independent, statutory company registered in terms of the Companies Act. The South African government, represented by the Minister of Transport, is the sole shareholder and owner of SANRAL.
To finance, improve, manage and maintain the national road network (the “economic arteries” of South Africa). SANRAL introduced and consolidated the concept of Public Private Partnerships that culminated in the internationally acclaimed Maputo Development Corridor.
Non-toll roads are funded from allocations made by the National Treasury. Toll roads are funded from borrowings on the capital and money markets – bonds issued on the Bond Exchange of South Africa (BESA) in the name of the South African National Roads Agency Limited, or through the concessioning of roads to private sector consortia.
Scholarships are available to all high school learners, i.e. from Grade 8 to Grade 12, irrespective of their subject choices.
A student studying Civil Engineering looking for in-service (work integrated learning) in order to graduate.